and then

it's been awhile since i've been here... i noe e template sucks. i'll get to it. right now, i just feel... heavy. mine's a weird place to be in right now. i shld be happy n excited that my music's gonna be heard. i am. but i am also scared. i am afraid of failure. bcos if e world does not accept my music, then it does not accept me. bcos my songs are all me. yeah it sounds kinda exagerrated but it feels tt way to me. in e end, everyone just wants to be accepted.

i have a music blog. but this here place is where i'll talk about anything and everything. i feel a bit schizophrenic bcos i'm all happy n cheery on my multiply and all emo n shyte here. heh... welllll... i'm sure i won't be emo all e time. haha... but e whole point of blogging is to let it all out. and nothing needs letting out like a bad day or some other very emotionally affecting affliction.

a lot has happened since this blog was shut down. so here's to new beginnings!

when life throws you something unexpected, what do you do?

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