what is this i'm feeling?

i felt that i didn't really have a good ramadhan. sure i fasted. but that's not even close to what ramadhan is all about. my mind was mostly on schoolwork and other worldly things. time zoomed by and it was raya before i knew it...

but somehow... something happened...

on the morning of raya, my mind felt clear. my heart felt clear. i felt so light and it felt like i finally understood something... i just don't know what that something is.

i still feel the same way now. in a way, i almost feel like a new person. i feel so contented... but i don't know what i'm contented about.

could it be that i've stopped stressing about my album because i've decided to do something about it?

could it be that i know exactly what i need to do for my school work?

could it be that i'm simply just happy and thankful for all my blessings?

could it be everything?

maybe... maybe not...

i think this syawal has not just cleared my mind, but it has also opened my heart. i feel at peace but still with a sense of purpose. i feel less burdened but i'm aiming for big things.

the israk mikraj comes in many different ways to different people. i feel this is one of mine. this could be my miracle of the holy month of ramadhan. Alhamdulillah.

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