
recently i've been thinking of people. however it is that they act or watever it is that they say. it may or may not be important. and sometimes you choose to try to ignore these things but it lingers at the back of your mind. and if a few people have said it, then it becomes a linger with an echo. and you try not to be affected by it but you can't.

so do the people around you define who you are?

it should be that YOU define who you are. but the reality is that everyone wants to be liked or noticed. and so this is the thin line where if crossed, you'll start believing what people say and that becomes you. some people bask in it and some people are disgusted. it's really how you handle it. if you're strong enough and you know yourself well, then there is nothing to be worried about.

the people whose opinions should matter are your family, true friends and God. ok so technically God isn't a person and He doesn't literally say things to you. but if you listen hard enough, you just might.

i believe in my friends and the people i know. and i know that they believe in me.

i may not be a pious person or the best kind of person. but i know myself. i am aware of the things i do. i don't know why but oftentimes i feel a kind of heavy burden. that perhaps i am not doing enough. or maybe i'm being too hard on myself.

you can hear what people may say. but you should only listen to yourself.

have faith in yourself. for i have faith in you.

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